Thursday, January 26, 2012

My haunted house part 1 from January 21,2012 I've been sick ;op

I think the house is haunted. Not in the scary, gloomy way, but in that “what the fuck” kind of way. The back door keeps opening, when we go to bed. I thought at first maybe the wind was jiggling the door open. We ran the normal test of jiggling the door, opening other doors and closing them to get suction or pressure to no avail, I can not recreate the door opening on its own. So tonight when we are getting ready for bed, I am jamming a chair under the door to see what happens next. I am leaning toward haunted and want to set up a camera, just to see if maybe we have a sleep walking specter or something other worldly. So maybe the house is haunted or not, it wouldn't bother me either way, I just want the door to stay closed.

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